Ubuntu 20.04.3 - no Wifi adapter / no Bluetooth!

The Gods have decided this will not be a smooth process.

Error unmounting filesystem

/dev/nvme0n1p2: target is busy


The only reason you got that message would be if you tried to flash the ISO on your actual internal drive.
Just note how much capacity your USB is (and brand/model) and select it as your flash medium. Otherwise, you can go the traditional method of:

And follow the on screen instructions. :smiley:
ISO > USB > Flash!

Awesome thanks. Flashing now… =)

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Once you boot from your new USB, make sure you’re wired to the network.

Also, rule of the day!

Make sure you don’t have any more files to back up!

If you do, it would be a good time to connect an external drive. Thankfully, even the bootable USB will allow you to “Try Ubuntu” and grant you access to your drives.

Thanks. No I don’t have any files to backup in this case - haven’t done anything with new laptop given all these issues!

I hear you there. Hopefully, since the 21.10 has the 5.13 Kernel, it could prove beneficial.

Fingers crossed…

Seems to be booting ok. So far so good anyway.

So whereabouts are you?

Oregon, West Coast. Just a mountain away from the Antifa lunatics!

Awesome. I visited a friend in Grants Pass a couple of times…

Antifa’s days are numbered I reckon. Much happening behind the scenes to take down the criminal cabal behind our governments.

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I’m so looking for the day this whole mess clears up!

I’ve been here for about 3 years now. Before that, I grew up in Greece. Literally the other side of the northern hemisphere. And there you are, almost literally the other side of the planet! :laughing:

While you’re installing, make sure your system is wired to the internet. Also, select the option to “Download Updates” and “Install 3rd Party Software.”

It will make your life easier.

5.13 kernel installed.

We have WiFi!!!

Bluetooth still not right - won’t turn on. Problem for tomorrow.

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One step at a time! You got the important part. :slight_smile:

Where are the options you mentioned?

Looks like you stormed past them! They were at the point where you would select where Ubuntu 20.10 should be installed.

Oops. Missed that. Was it important?

Go to Software Sources and select “Additional Drivers.” If your Nvidia proprietary driver is installed, the third-party should have been active.

Nvidia driver not installed. I’ll select that I guess…

You can install the additional media codecs (all of them) via the following terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt install vlc

With that, you should pretty much be covered. VLC will cover anything else that could be missing (it’s also a great video/audio player by itself).

And yes, select the Nvidia 470 driver, which is the newest.

Cool! I’ll do all that.

Thanks for sticking around!

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