Ubuntu 20.04.3 - no Wifi adapter / no Bluetooth!

Things are still very flaky. Often doesn’t find WiFi and system freezes if I try to close Unity (which won’t close). Sometimes you have to restart Unity for settings etc. to be changed properly (eg. importing a package), so xkill or system restart doesn’t do that.

Also Unity rendering is poor - any dragging leaves a ‘trail’.

Encouraging start, but not feeling very encouraged now. This whole process is certainly draining me.

I guess everything is optimised for Windows.

If memory serves me well, your system has an Nvidia graphics chip, am I correct?

Yes that’s right. Geforce RTX

And here comes the big question. Have you installed the Nvidia drivers for your RTX? The performance increase is legendary - with zero artifacts. I know because I’m running with one on my system.

:rofl: The Big Question.

The big answer is no. Didn’t do that specifically for Ubuntu. How do I do that?

However, still having issues with Unity not closing (apparently this is not uncommon) and I can’t resolve Java issues at the moment, so still can’t build for Android. Been searching for answers, but no luck so far.

:rofl: No wonder you’ve been having graphic issues with Unity!
Go to your apps and look for “Software and Updates.” Then go to the “Additional Drivers” tab and it will do a search. After a little while, it will pop up the different versions of the Nvidia Driver. Select the 470 one and once done, reboot.

Per the Java part, if it says it can’t find it, then it could be an option of setting the $PATH for its binary so that Unity is able to find it. Unfortunately, I haven’t used Unity 3D at all, so don’t take my word for it!

I think it must be a command line process. Can’t find any such app on Manjaro. I remember it on Ubuntu though!

I did this…


which ran successfully but Unity is still very glitchy and artifacty.
Something tells me I didn’t get the right driver.

I completely forgot you switched! My brain is all over the place! LOL
You can open up pamac (software manager) of Manjaro, go to settings and activate the Arch User Repository (AUR). Then search for Nvidia in it. That should provide a few options.

However, before you install, I’d recommend uninstalling what you previously installed.

pamac has many command line options.

If I do ‘pamac list’ I see nvidia-utils, but can’t see how to get to that.

Also, no idea how to uninstall what I installed. :woozy_face: :fearful:

sudo nvidia-settings opens a window, but it’s all read only.

You can run pamac from your Windows/Start Menu and it will bring up the GUI. :slight_smile:

I did a clean install of Manjaro. The ‘run pamac’ option does nothing at all. I found an option to enable AUR, found some random nvidia options, but they just sit forever checking conflicts, etc.

I think I’ve reached the end of the line with this.

Thanks again for your patience and assistance. Muchly appreciated!

The reason it’s seemingly sitting forever is because it’s compiling a lot of stuff in the background. However, there’s another way to install the Nvidia drivers. I have it as a tutorial here - in case you decide to stick around.

Nothing to lose! I’ll give it a go!!

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I’m always at your disposal, should you need anything!


Don’t forget to send me that Nvidia tutorial!! :nerd_face:

I really appreciate your willingness to help others pick all this up. Can obviously be a minefield!! So important we build our own alternatives to the Big Tech oligarchs. It’s happening! Social media, indie journalists, failing MSM, blockchain, truth being exposed (election fraud, fake pandemic/vax mandates, US borders) etc. etc. Exciting, though difficult, times! Once one domino falls…

Linux is definitely our future. Especially if the community can get it going on mobile devices, with an easy migration path for app/game developers. Unity will be a big part of that - very indie dev focused.

If I can’t get this going with one last try, I’ll def keep my eye on Unity etc. in the Linux sphere. They seem to be getting there.

This forum is a good place!

Darn! My brain got side-tracked, didn’t it?!

The tutorial is here and it should work exactly the same with Manjaro. I know because I did it on Arch (the “father” of Manjaro).

Keep in mind: The command to install DKMS on Manjaro is:

sudo pacman -S dkms

As Manjaro uses pacmac instead of apt. :slight_smile:

And yes, helping people and having them smile at the end of the day - well… it makes my day. Honestly. They say that “If you want to see a good change in the world, then become that change.” - In short, it’s the “Lead by example” approach. :slight_smile:

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One thing’s not clear - you mention driver manager … how do I get to that?

Driver manager is for the Ubuntu/Mint distros. You don’t have to worry about that. As long as you haven’t attempted to install Nvidia on your fresh Manjaro Installation, you should be fine.

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“Be the change you want to see in the world” :innocent:

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