Say hello and introduce yourself!

Aloha everyone! I accidentally found Jeff on TG early on and tried desperately to keep up… but shocked at how fast I could pick up the lingo, regardless of not understanding what the heck it was all about! Have been using iPad/iPhone with no laptop for years so (Yeah!) just snagged a Lenovo w/Linux Cinnamon and ordered Pixel 3xl from Braxman… so the journey has begun! Really love how everyone is so open and forthcoming to educate each other… cuz I’m gonna need all the help I can get to transition!


Hey! Unathi here… found an interesting video the other day about how to easily run a linux distro on android tablet. I’ll try it out, but what I’m more eager to do is completely convert all my devices to Linux. Not just run Linux on a side bar. But, I think it will be handy to try out a few distros and find out what ones I like best.

Got a version of it running on my chromebook a few weeks ago, but can’t figure out how to get back to it.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m learning…


Hello Everyone! So happy to have found this group. My name is Linda and I have used linux computers for a few years, but when the shop that built them for me and did tech support closed I have been stuck using a windows computer. I ordered a computer from system76 and after I did one of their updates it quit working. I tried to get help online but don’t understand what they are telling me. It feels like a foreign language everyone else can understand. If there was a shop in my area that could help me I would be very happy to go there. I hate this windows computer and would love to get my nice system76 up and running. Is there anyone here who can help? I live in the Cincinnati area and am willing to drive a ways for service.

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Hi, I am so new to all of this but I know I need a new phone and I am waiting it out until a beginner like me learns all I need to know about everything. My husband found you on your telegram and loved your page and showed me your page but was removed from chat but it was spam who responded to him when he made a comment to join the conversation which is a great conversation in chat. So I follow your page on telegram but never get to see the answers but the information is great regardless. WE live in NY on LI. Our young man Son served in AF for 6 years as a Fireman and now is a NY City Fireman. I want to change all my devices to privacy so thank you so much for the add here. God bless America and the Constitution and you.

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Hey, I am one of the Admins for the group. I live Orrville, OH about 30min SW of Akron/Canton. I would be willing to help you out.


My name is Emily and I have been in the class about 5 weeks. Bought a new computer loaded with Linux just before I found this group. I have converted one old PC to Ubuntu and am preparing to convert another which no longer updates on Microsoft. Really want to de-Google my Moto G. Also want to figure out the best way I can contribute to the FOSS movement.

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Hi Shane,
That would be AWESOME! I am relatively free Jan 5-16th and can meet you anywhere that would be convenient for you.

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Hell all!! I am brand new in a way. Been around since doss. I miss having my own hard drive. I do not like the “cloud” at all. We have no control at all. I have lost everything due to one email hack. I have a old laptop that Today is going to get a Unix Makeover! Just one question. Where do I start? How can I join a class. Do I need to Purchase Unix? Thanks Peeps!!
You all Rock And God Loves You!!

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Hello, Tech professional here with 20+ years working with computers and networks. All that time has been programming propriatary hardware with its own development environments including one very close to C. Recently completed a 6 month full stack web development boot camp and have some exposure to C# and python. Still learning new stuff.


Hey, If you still would like to meet up email me at I can likely met up with you this Friday.

Welcome @Sunshine!
Email support@Jeff.Pro for class inquiries on Linux for Beginners class (I highly recommend this!!).
Go to and you should find lots of help!
I started with Ubuntu, so I found these yt-videos to be helpful: search “Ubuntu Complete Beginner’s Guide 2021”. There are six in that series.
Searching yt and the web can turn up tons of stuff!
Asking in telegram JP’s technology chat or in the will usually get several replies!! Blessings on your “new” journey!

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Gday all - starting up from Australia looking to learn more about working with Linux especially using the terminal as much as possible then progressing on to Python. Cheers!


Hello all,

Having no history whatsoever with Linux, this is going to be either extremely annoying or a great adventure. I’m banking on the latter. Good to be here!


Hi everyone, this forum looks great. I’m just starting to research a way out of the digital prison. Want to de-Google and de-Apple my life!
So I’ll be looking for the most basic guidelines, is there a simple step-by-step ‘how to’ section?
Should I start by getting an external hard drive to start saving my files? I imagine ordering and receiving things by international mail could take a while in the current climate.
Thanks :blush:


The answers will depend on what equipment you have and figuring out what distro you want to install (distro is the flavor of Linux you want to run). There are many.
What have you used in the past, WIN or iOS or what?
Some will tell you that de-appling is harder to do that de-googling for sure.
Many great people here to help.
This a great hangout to learn alot of cool things as well as going to the jpchat on Telegram. :+1:

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Hello, I just installed Linux on a late model Macbook Pro. I was surprised at how much faster it is being an older laptop. Now I just have to figure it all out, lol


Hello, I am Isabellering, I installed ubuntu on an Acer Chromebook 315. So now I am learning all about
what software I need to be productive. The goal is to not be on any of the Google-owned sites. Thank you Jeff and all the supporters of Linux and FOSS.


Hey freedom loving patriots! :wave:

I used to be an avid Mac OS fan, LOL. I’ve been contemplating transitioning to Linux for a few years now but got lulled into complacency due to my familiarity with Mac OS. I was also daunted by the thought of learning a brand new OS. I had tinkered with Linux many years ago and did not find it to be a pleasurable experience.

Like many here, I heard about Jeff from Ron’s TG channel and decided to take another look at Linux. I’m glad I did. I decided that enough was enough with all the big tech BS and that I was going to take a leap of faith and jump into transitioning to Linux with both feet.

Since my current Apple laptop is my one and only current driver, I got myself a Slimbook laptop (Spanish company) since it was on sale during Xmas. I was pleasantly surprised as to how far Linux has come since I played with it years ago and I’m thoroughly enjoying the journey to making my transition. I’m running Elementary OS 6.1. I’ve identified many alternative softwares and products on Linux that I will need. I’m learning more and more about Linux on a daily basis and I look forward to the day when I will be able to repurpose my Mac to run Linux, hopefully by the end of this year, at the very latest. :grinning:

I look forward to sharing helpful information on this forum and to learn from your experiences as well as from all the wonderful experts here who are so generously donating their time to help us all get up to speed with Linux. Thank you so much! :pray:

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Hi there Tyresome. Is this your first time using Linux? Either way, welcome!

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Hello fellow patriots I have kind of played around with Kali linux in a virtual machine for about a year so I know some concepts of CLI (command line interface). My name is Doug and I’m 54 yrs young and my wife and I are so tired of this long journey of everything. Look forward to interacting with you guys.

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