Brave Install on Mint 21 Vanessa

I would go ahead and uncheck all the ppa and additional repos then go for a update and upgrade.

Updated manager. What do you suggest about mirrors?

I would choose a local mirror as its usually faster.

Seems now you can add the Brave ppa, update again and then install brave.

Sorry we had some appointments today. Where do we find the URL or, if you know, what is the name?

Can you now open a web page and just copy and paste the lines from Braves website and use the terminal?

You can either use the script vasileios made here:

Or go directly from Braves website here:

Here are Braves steps which are exactly what vasileios included in the script:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl

sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install brave-browser

Yes!!! Thank you so much for the time you spent working with us. We are going to try installing STEAM later from terminal as users say it works better from terminal on LM21. What are your thoughts on this?
I don’t know your name (Deplorable certainly doesn’t suit you, though it does distinguish you as a patriot) but I want you to know that this experience you’ve shared with me and my grandson has triggered a desire in Trevor to learn more about programming. Again, thank you.

Trevor got on Brave and was able to install STEAM for LM21 from terminal. It worked! Unfortunately, after setting up an account and purchasing a game a message displayed saying that the game could not be played on this platform. Looking further into the problem I saw that there may be a way around this using Wine (?) or Proton (?). Of course I’ve no idea how this all works. Would you like me to pass this on to someone else or are you game for continuing? I’d like the other users to know you fixed my first problem…
Thanks again.

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My name is Bill.

Thank you, but this is what a lot of us do, help others.

Sadly i quit gaming about 14 years ago when Quake version games were still popular LOL

I haven’t a clue about steam or any other games other then my paperback sudoku HAHA

I would search the forums, certain there are other users who have setup steam or check in the channels as well as possibly a new thread.

Congrats on your Brave setup!

I can give you some relative pointers though. If there is no native version of the game for Linux, then yes, WINE or another “Windows” emulator would likely be your best route. There are a few emulators out there, FOSS site did a top 10 that may be of interest:

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Bill, you’re the best!

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Sorry that is NOT the link I meant to share with you. You want Windows emulators on Linux.

Windows emulators on Linux

Having a little issue with this brave install:

Howdy @Paul it looks like you forgot the - in front of fsSLo. That should solve the issue. Cheers!!

Just not getting past this. Is there a way to clear this and start over. This is my second attempt. The first attempt made the apt corrupt


I believe there may be an issue with the -brave-browser line - I have never seen a web address start with a -, and I am not even sure if it can (maybe a typo) you can also try using the script @vasileios made - it works like a dream

making sure to run the script as it says in the directions. This will make sure there are no typos, as I know it works. Cheers!!

this is the very script I am using. I need to know how to clear the terminal clean so no to have any residual of the prior attempts. This caused problems on last attempts. Any advise?

type in clear at the terminal prompt and the screen will clear - like the old cls in DOS. Cheers!!

@Paul After you downloaded the script did you do the cd Downloads and then chmod +x ./ ./ or did you open it up to take a look, like it recommends? I did the same thing in the beginning and was trying to copy and paste the lines but I was having errors. if you downloaded the script to your Downloads file, the above directions will work. Cheers!!

Well. . . there lay the problem! LOOOL after a couple of hours later. . . I just had realized that I didn’t run the said script! Just as you had sent the message, I was loading it. aaaaannnnnddd. . . . there it is! loaded right up…thanks for your help!

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@Paul congratulations, man. Enjoy your freedom from big tech. Cheers!!

How can I download the file from terminal?

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