Unable to connect to WiFi

Although can see my HugesNet connection in the drop down list, when I click on it and put my password in to access the router, it gives me an error like activation failed, and then disconnected. I have my Ethernet attached. Idk if that is working or not. But I have to disconnect it to use my browser on my phone

This is a Dell Latitude 5400. I bot it used with Mint and Windows both installed. The Ethernet cable appears to be working. I keep getting a connection failed and disconnected message after each attempt to connect. It is not storing the router password

Hello @Conniel and welcome to the forums.

We’ll start this off with some learning about your system so we can proceed. can you post a pic of uname -a from terminal soI know which version of Mint and kernel you are using as well.

The full command is:

uname -a

It seems that kernel supports the Intel Cannon Point-LP CNVi wireless adapter on Mint 20 versions, I also found a suggested replacement of the network-manager using wicd instead.

Suggested route is connecting to router/hub with Ethernet cable, updating your system files, upgrading the current system files and then proceeding to install wicd and remove network-manager.

These steps were found here: How to Fix WiFi Problem in Linux Mint (Updated 2022) - LINUX GUI

Is your laptop currently connected via an Ehternet cable and have internet access?
Do you know the sudo/root password as well?

It is connected with Ethernet cable but doesn’t connect to the server. I just get errors. I have tried updating the files — there are three waiting. But because I can’t get connected, I can’t update

I don’t know what Sufi/root password is :woman_shrugging:

from a terminal run:

ping -c 3 ubuntu.com To check connectivity

Missed this part, we will first then have to get that solved.

Forgot my password - #3 by vasileios is the steps to reset root user password.

The password that I found previously obviously put in by the tech was:password

Holding ESC got nothing

ok I’m slightly confused here. They gave you a password, is that for your user or the administrative root account?

They didn’t give me a password. But that word was what I discovered lol. Watching too many True The Vote videos