Transfering photos and videos from iphone to linux mint desktop

I am trying to transfer all my photos and videos from the iphone to my linux mint desktop but when I connect my phone I get a message which says 'Unable to mount documents on iphone, unhandled lockdown error (-21)
Anyone knows what’s that?
Thank you.

Possibly KDE connect would be a solution. I see that it is available in the Apple Store and should be in Mints repos as well.

And the connection may need to be OK’d on the iPhone.

Hello and I am sorry for such a delayed reply!!
I have downloaded KDE connect on both my iphone and laptop, the devices are connected but still not able to see and transfer photos and videos. Is there somewhere a video which shows all the steps, maybe I am missing something and I am very new to all this… The new system etc…
Thank you very much,

@Grisu , @dennis is right: before Mint can see your iPhone, the phone needs to be
. connected to your computer,
. on and
. showing your app/start screen.

I run into your same problem when I connect the phone via USB, but forget to show the phone’s app/start screen.

When that error occurs, I open the iPhone and Mint mounts it just fine.

BTW, Mint will show two, separate iPhone folders:

  1. photos
  2. documents

Check out I-FlashDrive HD I use one of these…