Is there a way to move files I have stored on the cloud (One Drive). If so that will save me lots of time after I move the computer to Linux. I don’t want to pay another subscription.
@vasileios is very well fielded in that realm. He has built several NAS (Network Attached Storage) setups, both for home and for business.
Hey @mommywagg!
There are several ways to do that.
Until you are ready to prepare your own NAS, as @Tacodogg mentioned, you can pull all your files from OneDrive into an external drive and store them there.
The fastest way is to pickup a trial from the Insync, which is a cloud sync application for Linux and it works with OneDrive. You can select your external drive as the synchronization location and then let it download everything for you. Once that is done, you can uninstall the application and keep the files.
You can find the app here:
Thank you I will give that a try. My external backup WD Passport wont backup to One drive. Rather than move EVERYTHING onto a USB was hoping there would be an easier way to move those file.