Proton VPN install error

HI getting this error message when trying to install:
��<�pre>The following packages have unmet dependencies: python3-proton-vpn-session : Breaks: python3-proton-vpn-api-core (< 0.20.2) but 0.20.1 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. <�/pre>

Any help would be appreciated!

What OS and version are you trying to install on? Copy/Paste the /etc/os-release file contents would be simple :smiley:

ETA: How are you trying to install (command)?

Not an expert, but I did have some initial trouble getting Proton installed on Ubuntu 22.04

I’m in Ubuntu 22.04 used the commands the snap install said to use - I will find them again and post.

You can install it straight from flatpak.