Newbie here

Just got a new Linux desktop from System 76.

So I’m a newbie.
Would like to get some recommendations for various tools/apps. Some of the things I’m looking for , nothing exotic just for basic needs, a basic text editor, spreadsheet, database, sound editor, video downloader…

I did download Audacity but I’m having issues to get it started.
Also, I’ve tried downloading Editpad LITE and having issues with that as well.

I would think that they include most of those in the form of say LibreOffice Suite and more simple text editors usually fall under accessories. As for the sound editor Idk, never messed with it much. “yt-dlp” is probably the most common downloader for video in the CLI/terminal arena and then there are plugins for browsers as well

I was introduced to the text editor Kate recently, it’s worth looking at. Spreadsheet is most likely included with LibreOffice or similar (LibreOffice Calc is the spreadsheet). If not included with your operating system one can certainly download & install the LibreOffice suite.

Are you looking for a sql / transactional database? If so, MySQL / MariaDB are good options. If not, LibreOffice Base may fit your requirement.

Video downloader, I will second the yt-dlp recommendation. Sound or video editors - no idea. :slight_smile:

I’ve used Audacity to edit sound files. I has a fantastic tool set and a big foot print.

I discovered that I could do most of the sound editing I need in KdenLive a video editor and now that is all I use. Bonus it is a great video editor worthy of replacing FinalCut and Primiere

Once you embrace the command line yt-dlp is an awesome tool. I use it daily to bypass all the ads and snooping.

I love kate for plain text in a GUI and nano on the terminal. Libre Office does all the other formatting I need.

Linux is awesome!