Hi @Mguag The place to start is I don't know where to start! - Your Linux Introduction, here in the forum. Bookmark that page. You may find many answers there.
That will guide you through deciding on a distro, based on your need for a pc, how to create a bootable usb drive with your distro on it, and how to boot up your machine to run the live distro on that usb.
Before you start doing anything about using the usb to install, you need to watch one or more videos about how to do the installation process, for a Linux distro. You’ll learn more about various distros by watching videos on installing them.
I recommend that you scroll down that page to find the video called “Ubuntu Complete Guide.” it’s a large, black video image, of a man beside that video’s title. Click on that video to learn about the whole process. Whether you decide to use Ubuntu or some other distro, that will give you the basics of how to do an install. It will also show you how you an install the distro along with Windows, if wish to do that. Or you can wipe out Windows and put only the distro on your machine, if you wish that.
Spend some time on that page looking at any videos that seem relevant to you. Watching videos is probably the easiest way to start getting familiar with this process of coming over to Linux.
When you decide on a distro, if you’re unsure about it, look for videos on installing the distro you want to install. If you don’t already have a video for your distro, do a web search like this: installing Linux Mint (if that’s your chosen distro) on Windows.
You have to educate yourself to make this trip easier for you. It’s not hard. It just takes learning some new things, which you can do from watching applicable videos.
Start educating yourself in the process and you’ll be up and running soon.