Lost Menu Bars and LM Button(s) at bottom of screen

Ok, that should do it. If you have any files to back up then do that but you should be ready to reboot to the usb drive and reinstall if you want.

Oh, you may want to give your computer a shorter name. The name you are using now takes a lot of room in the terminal.

I think you can name your computer during the install.

Awesome, I’m going to lose my wifi etc. so I will say thank you for your patience in working through this with me, it is truly much appreciated. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and thanks for all you do with the TG channel and the forum! Have a great evening!

Hostname rings a bell where you would type type/change the name.

You are welcome.
Merry Christmas. Post back here or in telegram when you get a chance.

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Just a note: The second time you typed umount with the proper space it just silently unmounted /dev/sdb1. Had you checked with the mount command again then /dev/sdb would not have shown up in the list. I always like drives unmounted when using dd.

Hello @Helenska and thank you @Dennis for helping out!
I apologize my delay. There is only so many places I can be at once during these festive days.

To fix this problem I was about to recommend one of the following two:

  1. Create a new user and give it admin rights - this will create a new configuration file which will fix your issue (this is a backup account)
  2. Delete a certain configuration file inside your home folder’s settings so that your UI resets itself.

What stage are you at right now?

Hi and no worries on responding, Dennis talked me through fixing my USB issue and re-installing, so now I am in a fresh instance and trying to reload NordVPN, but it seems to think it’s already loaded, otherwise Mint is now working well and my Dock is back in place. Your solution did sound like it would have worked. Thank you for following up! Helen

Even though I have several users set up to make it easy to test out different Desktop Environments the thought never crossed my mind here. I wouldn’t have known which file to change/delete to reset her Cinnamon environment. I have only tired Cinnamon briefly a couple years ago, very unfamiliar to me. I pretty much stick with xfce, not fancy but does everything I need. And, I don’t have Cinnamon set up in my Mint computer. I was fumbling in the dark and she was wanting to flash the iso to usb anyway so that is the direction I went. I figured a fresh install would ‘fix’ the panel problem. I usually try to find the cause of the problem but wasn’t sure where to look.

Merry Christmas, @vasileios.

Would you share the name and location of that configuration file inside the Mint/Cinnamon’s home folder’s settings? The file we can delete which allows the UI to reset itself.

My system is running fine, but, if needed, I would like to know which specific file I could delete for the reset.


Hey @nwarren!
All of your desktop environment’s configuration files are in the:



The two options to reset your settings are:

dconf reset -f /org/gnome/

Then you can log out and back in.
Or you can do it manually (open up a terminal at your home folder):

mv .config/dconf/user .config/dconf/user.bak && sudo reboot

Many thanks, @vasileios.

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