Live streaming without bigtech and with privacy

Hi all, I’m trying to find a good way to livestream without bigtech software and tools. But the issue i have that when i want to stream with 500+ viewers that it will not perform the way i have it setup. Also i do not have much budget to buy/rent a decent VPS to try those things.

The way i wanted to use it, is use OBS to capture the streams, in my case Jitsi with speakers. But i cannot livestream from OBS to an “opensource service”, it’s Youtube, Twitch and all those companies. Also i don’t want to have the stream public ( in know i can unlist it in YT) but i also do not want the stream to be watched by big tech.

Why the privacy concern? Simple, i want to guarantee the privacy of my viewers and speakers as we are a community that talk and share information about the current events happening in the world. We want to build on our community and don’t want to be profiled by bigtech anymore.

I hope there is a way to go in this and any kind of information i would really appreciated. I have a tech background so i can handle some nerdy talk :wink:

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