Linux mint installation issues

It would appear that it somehow lost connectivity? Try in terminal the following commands:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
ping -c 3

If the last command shows that you have 100% packet loss, try the following:

ping -c 3

Hopefully, this IP address will return some feedback.

How do you have your Raspberry Pi connected to the Internet? Ethernet cable or WiFi?


Hi @vasileios
I tried the commands in order:

  1. returned nothing but ubuntu@ubuntu: $
  2. returned Failed to restart NetworkManager.service: Unit NetworkManager.service not found.
  3. Temporary failure in name resolution
  4. connect: Network is unreachable

I had connected to my WiFi. I can connect to Ethernet if needed (just requires moving equipment but doable)


Hello @Gerelyn222!
The fact that NetworkManager is missing is concerning, as that’s the main component to allow you access to the internet. This also makes me wonder if your system is utilizing a different service, especially WPA_Supplicant for WiFi. It’s clearly you’re getting all these errors due to the lack of internet.

Also, the fact that #4 gave you the “Unreachable Network” shows that whatever service other than Network Manager is running (if it’s running), does not connect you at all.

At this point, I’d recommend you give the ethernet cable a shot and repeat the previous four commands and see what works and what doesn’t. :slight_smile:

I have connected to the ethernet cable with some success.

    1. returned nothing but ubuntu@ubuntu: $
  1. returned Failed to restart NetworkManager.service: Unit NetworkManager.service not found.
  2. PING (2607:f8b0:4000:80e::200e)) 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from (2607:f8b0:4000:80e::200e): icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=25.2 ms
    64 bytes from (2607:f8b0:4000:80e::200e): icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=25.1 ms
    64 bytes from (2607:f8b0:4000:80e::200e): icmp_seq=3 ttl=118 time=24.7 ms

— ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev 24.653/24.968/25.193/0.229 ms

I tried the 1st 2 commands again after this came back hopeful. I received the same results though.
When I was rebooting, I noticed the words NetworkManager scrolling by.
I tried rebooting again so I could stop it and take note of exactly what it was saying. This didn’t work. I used the Escape key to try to stop the scrolling.
The last message from the reboot was Failed to connect to Check your internet connection or proxy settings.

Hopefully this has some good information in it for you.

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The best way to “catch” those scrolling messages is to record a high resolution video via your phone and then extract the frame that shows it. :slight_smile:

Something in the start-up sequence must be hindering it - or confusing it.

If you’re able to capture the frame, please upload it so that we can look into the culprit. :slight_smile:

Great work, by the way!

Well, here goes. I really didn’t know what I was looking for but I tried to capture the references to Network.

Hope this works! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

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Just my 2 cents from years of Raspberry Pi usage. The Raspberry Pi Operating system is by far the most functional OS you can run on the Pi. It is very similar to Ubuntu but Raspberry Pi fits the hardware better, has more available programs and much more community support. Ubuntu is huge but the project to run it on the Raspberry Pi is a tiny faction of that.
Most of the Terminal commands you run in Ubuntu or Mint will be Identical to the Raspberry Pi OS.

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Hey @Gerelyn222!
What @Will says is correct. He has more than enough knowledge with the Raspbian OS - while I use my Raspberry Pi 4 with Ubuntu Server.

As far as I see from the capture you sent me, it shows that the ethernet is down on your system. The first thing you’ll need to check is the IP of your router. For the sake of expediency, let’s suppose that the address is Open up a terminal and type in - for your Ethernet (provided that it is connected):

sudo ip addr add dev eth0
sudo ip link set eth0 up
sudo ip route add default via

If the response is as expected, your Pi will gain the IP address. Keep in mind, if your Router - for example - is at the address, then you might want to change the to and so on. In general, the first three numbers should be identical to your Router’s address and only the last one to be different (for your Ethernet).

Check to see if you have internet connectivity.

ping -c 3

If that produces 0% packet loss, you’re good. If you get anything else (100% packet loss or an error), then try the next:

ping -c 3

If that produces 0% packet loss, you have Internet, but not name resolution (where names like the domains redirect to IP addresses).

Please let me know what you find, so that we can take it from there. If worse comes to worst, then Will’s recommendation can act as the “Deus Ex Machina!”

I tried both IP addresses. I received 100% packet loss on both. However, the IP address returned RTNETLINK answers: File exists

I am open to using Raspberry Pi OS. I thought Ubuntu would be better. However, I can’t reach the internet to go to the Raspberry site.

At least you’re not getting any strange message. Let’s see if we can get you up and running on the WiFi.

Open up a terminal and type in

sudo nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg

At the end of the file, write:

network: {config: disabled}

Press CTRL+O and then Enter to save. Then, hit CTRL+X to exit.

Next, execute:

sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml

And write in the following:

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: true
      dhcp6: true
      optional: true
          password: "**********"

Replace the “YOUR_WIFI_SSID” with your actual WiFi name and replace the asterisks inside the password quotes.
Again, hit CTRL+O then Enter to save. CTRL+X to exit.

Then execute:

sudo netplan generate
sudo netplan apply

When it reboots, do a check - in terminal:

ping -c 3

Let’s see if your WiFi desided to wake up! :slight_smile:

I tried both IP addresses. I received 100% packet loss on both. However, the IP address returned RTNETLINK answers: File exists

I have started over. I reinstalled Raspberry Pi OS using the Raspberry Pi Imager. Everything looks good. My next project is to add an external drive to my Pi.

Any thoughts or suggestions.?

I was following a video that @vasileios made.

I’m so thankful for your help and patience with this ol’ lady

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As always, it’s our pleasure, @Gerelyn222!
Per the external drives, you will not have any trouble. When you get one (or two), just make sure you format them in a Linux filesystem and give them labels. You can do that via the “Disks” app. Once you do that, let me know and I’ll post some guidance photos to help you get them auto-mounted with their actual names for easier access. :slight_smile:

Thanks @vasileios

I purchased 2 external hard drives 2T I’m ready for the next step
I appreciate your help!

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It’s always my pleasure, @Gerelyn222! :slight_smile: