Linux install on HP laptop wifi not recognized

I have found that HP laptops are not at all Linux friendly . I have tried installing Zorin Pro and Linux Mint Cinnamon on my HP Pavilion. Wifi is not recognized. I don’t know where to go from here. My email is if you can help me

First thing you need to do is get your laptop connected. Do you have a spare network cable and a spot on your router? I would suggest plugging it in directly as this will help to correct the wifi issues.

2nd, we need to see the output of “lspci” from the terminal so that we can get an idea of what wifi card/chipset your particular HP laptop has.

I have two different HP laptops and both work well under Ubuntu 20.04LTS.

I see you have another thread of the same issue, please continue on that thread.

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Yes and I sent him a snapshot of the output of lspci in the terminal. Waiting to hear back from him. Maybe you can take a look at that thread with Vasileios and look at the snapshot I sent him and let me know what you think?
Thank you for this reply.

I posted a relevant link in the other thread from the mint forums for your same wifi card issues, they have it solved there.

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I did it! I fixed my Zorin Pro (I was going to use Linux mint but changed my mind) wifi issue on my HP Pavilion Laptop. I typed the following in the terminal- nmti and then I clicked on “Activate a connection” and it found my wifi and asked for the password and automatically connected. I am pumped!