Linux Developers - Programming with Linux

Linux Based Client Side and Server Side Applications. Beginner to Advanced. Small to Enterprise Level. A place to share wisdom and mentor.

This will be a very good option as people advance their skills and we get more experienced users onboard.

I am interested in maybe obtaining linux certifications to allow me to find remote employment opportunities, is there anyone you could connect me with that would point me in the right direction?

Hi drrwrieden,
I don’t know personally if there are any formal certifications courses that are currently offered here thru channel however! will get back to you if there is such a thing. I think that its a great idea to have a cert for linux, other than doing what is on the LMS and holding yourself accountable. Please post it if there is such as thing.

Hi drrwrieden.
I got the LPIC-1 Certificate, 10 Years ago.
I learned a lot. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I was looking at that, is it useful in terms of starting a career or just personal development? I’d like to make this more than just a hobby if possible and see what that investment of time might look like.

I started my IT-Job with Microsoft Certificates. My employer asked me to do the LPIC-1. So yes, its is a good starting point. If you want to know more, go ahead with the next LPIC Certificates. For me LPIC-1 was enough. The rest I learned myself.

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thoughts about linux+?