Lesson 8 Question and Suggestion

Linux automatically recognizes Windows filesystems, so you don’t need to do anything for that.
The fstab file is the drive-mapping blueprint that tells Linux what drive to attach and under which folder. Say you have 3 drives. One Windows, one Linux, and one for your Data/Projects. You can use the fstab to steadily mount your Projects drive onto a desired location and make sure it stays there.


How do I “undo” whatever I did in following along partway in Lesson 8… I tried to undo, but I think I may be at a “wipe it and start over”. I was fascinated and very interested, but now I have errors when I “sudo apt update”, and a bunch of .properties files at the root directory. Removed Brave, but its still trying to do something in update. Tried to remove Calibre Library and yet the file remains. I even now have a google file and I want NOTHING to do with google. Am I beyond help?

Hello @elleneia!
Do you happen to have the file fstab.backup stored in your etc folder?

I thought I was “backing out” of following along before getting to that point. I only see fstab in /etc

Okay, that is good! Which point did you stop at?

When I look at my command line history, I executed “sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y” and “sudo apt autoremove”. Looks like I halted at “sudo apt install gparted” and that seemed far enough over my head…
Just before doing class 8 I installed and was using Brave, but when I listed contents of my home directory I saw lots of things that I had no explanation for… Proceeded to attempt to “get back to square one”, but… here I am!

In that scenario, you did not do any damage to your system, so there’s no need to worry!

The sudo apt update and upgrade options do not leave any kind of remnants on your Home folder. However, the Brave installation might drop a verification key.

Did you use the Brave Installation script we have under the #tutorials category in this forum?

I did not see that until AFTER… here is the instruction I followed:
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg https://brave-browser-apt-release.s3.brave.com/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] https://brave-browser-apt-release.s3.brave.com/ stable main”|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser

That looks about right. What extra files are you seeing in your Home folder? Can you take a photo?

This is what I was used to seeing (I did get Dropbox happily operating… Waiting for initial sync of 500+ GB was my problem)

From my Dell laptop, no Dropbox yet…

That’s quite the population you got there!
I assure you that nor Lesson 8 or the Brave Installation left this swarm of files! :laughing:

This appears to be the result of some form of Android support installation. In this scenario, I would recommend you execute (in terminal):

sudo rm *.properties

I put in sudo just in case those files were created via a sudo/root installation process.

Then you can open your home folder on your file manager and select all the files that you see extra. It’s safe to remove everything else to make it look exactly as your former version. All DropBox files are inside the DropBox folder, so you need not worry about that. :smiley:

Try to avoid deleting any hidden files (the ones that start with a dot).

And yes, don’t delete your DropBox folder on your other system, obviously!

OK! I am not sure how to “select” other files to remove… I think all of the following should go:
‘Caliber Library’

Just “rm assets”, for instance? With sudo preceding?
" rm: cannot remove ‘assets’: is a directory

Removed all of the listed items but the directories. How do I get rid of those? (sudo did not change the rm result.)

Nice work!
For the directories to be removed, you’ll need the “r” option:

rm -rf

And add the name of the folder.
r = recursive (works for folders on multiple levels)
f = force so that it doesn’t ask you on every file.

That worked! There are still errors upon updating:

These did not appear before my big messup here!! Thank you SO MUCH for the help! I will learn!! :slight_smile:

One is because of the DropBox repository for some reason. For Brave, you can follow this Tutorial, which will hopefully fix the public key issue. :wink:

For some reason I got “bash: cd: too many arguments”, but when I entered the commands separately it worked! And my home directory is clean. The final " N" error related to Dropbox (during update) I can ignore? I do not see a problem in Dropbox operation.
Wow! Thank you again Vasileios!

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I’m glad everything worked out in the end! And it is always my pleasure! :slight_smile: