Jeff chat on telegram

I cannot reply to posts on telegram. Can someone help and grant me access?

Thanks for whoever made the change.

By the way, the chat is usually disabled during the evening and late night hours, if you ever get a message that you can’t post, try again the next morning and you probably will be able to!


Just wanted to throw out an idea for Jeff, has he ever considered being interviewed by Tucker Carlson?
I signed up for Tucker’s paid subscription the first day it was available and have not been disappointed. It seems to me that an interview by Tucker would spread Jeff’s message about free and open source software to a much wider audience - probably one that is not necessarily tuned in to the dangers of big tech. The only down side that I could see with such a move would be that his exposure might result in such a clamor to join in his Linux classes that the system would be overwhelmed - a case of too much, too soon. Would be interested in knowing Jeff’s thoughts on this idea. I suspect that if enough of us in this forum messaged Tucker, he might find himself being invited for an interview.

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