This morning (July 12,'24) on JP’s technology chat, Mtn Mama asked:
“can MS steal my data just from being on the same wifi? I work from home, so wondering if my logging into my work computer allows MS to access my other data on the network?”
We all remember Snowden’s big reveal that Big Brother is watching us?
What data might other systems on our network be able to see?
Today our home network contains family member laptops, phones, watches, printers, game consoles TVs and even FRIDGES.
A family of 4 suggests a pretty big shared network. Each device sharing a common Internet connection using a myriad of protocols (Types of Internet Protocols - GeeksforGeeks) to chat with other local devices and the larger Internet cloud.
We know that Big Tech considers your data so important they go to incredible lengths to capture and sell it.
What information might a device on your home network see?
- Does your TV know you have a printer?
- Does the Smart Speaker know how many wifi spots are available?
- Does Microsoft Windows know there is a game console and a LINUX machine on the network?
- Does Redit know you are on a VPN?
I don’t know. Probably.
And the answer is probably worth knowing.
Consider that when you add a new device to the network the first activity is to get online. You will be asked to connect to your WIFI.
A big list!
Is the new device sharing all those hotspots with it’s vendor?
We know Google and Apple uses global wifi and bluetooth knowledge to “Find my device” and support Tiles.
Add BLUETOOTH headphones… Another long list of devices in your neighborhood also probably shared with vendors!
Adding devices to your network is risky business, yet we rarely consider what information we are giving away.
So what do Mnt Mama and I do about her question?
How do we protect our network data?
I don’t know.
Jeff offers a “Remove My Data” course (i am not a subscriber but wholly support it) that helps you protect your personal data. But how do you protect the data that describes your personal hardware and how close it is to all your neighbors and more? If Microsoft knows you have a Linux machine, do they care?
I don’t know.
Maybe someone on this forum can help me and Mtn Mama understand.
I’m going to finally set up a personal firewall and will post all the info I can see while I discover what ports I need to protect and protocols I need to be aware of to protect my privacy and devices from malware.
“I’ll be back”