Frustration with Cursor

For the zillionth time, I just wrote a paragraph of text and had it suddenly get selected and deleted. I believe the issue is that Linux instantiates activities on the basis of cursor position. I cannot express the level to which I despise this.


When my cursor happens to be at the new tab position of a browser, I do not want it to make a new tab because of this. I can very easily exercise the click button. When my cursor is outside of any application and sitting on a blank part of the screen, I do not want it to somehow and suddenly open up a search bar and have my text suddenly type in this suddenly opened up search bar. If I want a search bar, Iā€™ll get it myself, thank you.

I get so exasperated, I swear I am going to take a shotgun and blow my computer with Linux to smithereens.

So, I have a question.

Is there any way to configure things so that NOTHING is instantiated on the basis of cursor position alone?

Can you provide a bit more detail? Are you using a text editor and seeing your text disappear when, for example, opening another application or similar? If using a text editor, which one?

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Tanks for responding, Narcosis.

It happens on virtually every application, including this forum and libreOffice, though I sometimes use libreOffice Writer because if any text gets selected and deleted, at least I can undo. (Then Iā€™ll paste the text to where I want it.) Could it be my laptop? Itā€™s a Dell Latitude 7480.

As far as detail, text getting selected and deleted. Actions instantiated, such as if I happen to have the cursor at the + button of Brave, and having a new tab get created. This is why I left Zorin and went with Linux Mint. I think it happens less with it but not sure.

But I have to believe there is something in Linux that ā€œtellsā€ the cursor to take actions on the basis of its position alone. Am I wrong on this?

Never once happened in Mac OS and though it has been many years, I do not believe in Windows either.

Shooting from the hip here, are you using a laptop with both a trackpad and external mouse? I had to disable the trackpad when my external mouse was connected ( 2013 macbook air ) due to my hands coming into contact with the trackpad & making a mess of what I was doing.


The cursor position issues you are running in to are not because of ā€œlinux,ā€ which has existed free from ā€œcursor problemsā€ for at least twenty years.

You are experiencing improperly configured ā€œfocus-follows-mouseā€ settings, where window focus changes according to the cursor position.

You may also be experiencing problems with ā€œMouse Hoverā€ settings.

You should disable these and you will be back to standard mouse settings, which are normal in Linux.

Not sure why Focus Follows Mouse," or ā€œMouse Hoverā€ were enabled on your computer, but they are not enabled by default.

If youā€™re using a laptop, the touchpad might be too sensitive and interpreting taps as clicks.

Adjusting the touchpad sensitivity or disabling tap-to-click might help.

Remember in Linux, if the desktop environment you are using isnā€™t 100% to your liking, you can always switch to do different desktop environment that gives you more granular control over window focus and mouse behavior.

Ambiguously blaming ā€œLinuxā€, (insinuating that the entire OS is somehow ā€˜defectiveā€™ā€“it is not) wonā€™t solve the problem for you. Learning how to better control system settings will.

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I am almost always not using a mouse.

Well this is a relief.

With what you are saying, I am guessing it is ā€œmouse hoverā€ settings. I have never heard of such a thing.

I will try to find out how to change such a setting. I presently have no idea.

Finally, of course I was unaware of ambiguity!

Outstanding! Glad you found a solutionā€¦ :slight_smile:

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