Flameshot upgrade worth it?

I’m currently using Flameshot v0.6.0. It works great!

Out of curiosity, I looked at their website and found the current version to be 11.0.0. That’s a big jump.

The difference in size is eye-popping.

Here’s v0.6.0:
flameshot 0.6.0

Here’s v11.0.0:
flameshot 11.0.0

Has anyone installed v11.0.0?

Does it really consume that much disk space?

Does the increased functionality warrant the upgrade??

Hey @nwarren!
No, you actually don’t need it. What Flatpaks do is install the full set of dependencies and drivers that some applications require. Therefore, it’s not Flameshot that consumes all that space but rather the accompanying files. You really don’t need it.

If you want to try a similar app, you can give Shutter a try. It’s a great screen capture utility with annotation options.

Got it, @vasileios . Thanks.

I’m guessing that the new Mint coming out at the end of this month will contain a later version of Flameshot.

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Hey @nwarren,
That is true. Though, if you do want to always have the latest version of Flameshot, you can download and compile it directly from Github. I’m including the process below:

First, we’ll need the pre-requisites for the compilation:

sudo apt install git openssl ca-certificates
sudo apt install g++ cmake build-essential qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev
sudo apt install libqt5dbus5 libqt5network5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5gui5 libqt5svg5

Then, go to your Downloads folder and pull the source code from Github:

cd ~/Downloads
git clone https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot.git
cd flameshot

Then, it’s the compilation time:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Once that is done, remove your current flameshot installation and then install your new compilation by executing:

sudo make install

The downside here is that the updates have to be done manually. In order to do that, you will need to go into the folder you downloaded flameshot and order git to check for any updates in the source code:

cd ~/Downloads/flameshot
git pull

If it initiates a download, then you will need to re-compile and re-install. The set of commands is the same, but first, you’ll need to clear up the former build files.

rm -rvf build
mkdir build
cmake ../
sudo make install

And that should take care of the update process.

AWESOME, @vasileios !!!

Thank you!!!

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My pleasure, @nwarren! Enjoy!

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