Copy multiple files, batch files, like Win 10?

Is there a keyboard command so that I can highlight multiple files to batch copy or move like in Win 10?

It is just the same as windows. Hold CTR and select the files you want or use Shift to select a bigger selection in a list.

Thanks BUT - here’s my problem: what you suggest works for copying / moving multiple files from a folder, however when you want to highlight multiple files to batch import into a program (like Joplin) it cannot be done (?). It only allows one file at a time. (I am by no means a Windows fan. My comparison was that you can accomplish highlighting multiple files for importing, or whatever, into another program). Is there a way to do this in Linux Mint - that would be great and a huge time saver if you know of a way.

@Ordy, this might be helpful for Joplin: Importing and exporting | Joplin.

For other programs, you might try this sequence:

  • navigate to the folder (in Files) that holds the files that you want to open
  • select the files to open (selection process is the same as in Windows, as @Ray wrote above)
  • right-click on that highlighted group of files
  • select “Open With”
  • choose the program you want to use

I just successfully opened 2 files at the same time, into OnlyOffice (Mint/Cinnamon), using that procedure. Just make sure you have backup copies of the files before you attempt the multiple-opening. If something goes awry, nothing is lost…

It is not working for Joplin. Maybe it is app dependent? I can get the mulitple files highlighted when I use Files, but not when I am attempting to copy or move them into another program. When your suggested way is used it does not “allow” more than one file to be highlighted. This is an importing of files into Joplin from Joplin’s “import” drop-down.

Right, @Ordy , Joplin does not allow multiple files to be opened all at once. Joplin’s help texts say that only one file can be opened at a time: Importing and exporting | Joplin

And you’re right that importing and opening files is an app-dependent process.

Bummer, huh. But at least now you know. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! Relieved to know that I’m not “missing” something that would make it so easy. Again, thank you!

You’re welcome, @ordy.

Here’s an easy way to think about the file-opening process:
We can open files either

  • one-at-a-time from within the program (like Joplin requires and OnlyOffice allows), or
  • in multiples from outside of the program (like OnlyOffice allows).

As you said, “it is app dependent.”

I’m happy that you asked the question. I hadn’t known that some programs allow us to open several files at once!