Accessing files on external SSD from Windows

I finally have my Linux laptop. I was able to get a System 76 with Pop!OS. I love the speed! It’s easy to use and I’m happy with the switch. However…
I have all my files backed up onto an external SSD (hard drive in a USB box) from my Win 10 laptop. I would like to access them on my Linux laptop , but I can’t seem to figure out how. I know I am missing some small detail…
I plugged it in, it couldn’t see it, and then I had to figure out how to safely remove it. (thanks, YouTube)
Every time I’ve looked up how to do it, I get a lot of info about booting from disk which I don’t need to do. I already have a distro, I just need access to my files.
Does it matter that they are files from Windows? I’m talking doc files, pictures, audio files, that kind of thing. I haven’t stumbled across anyone addressing this. Is it so easy nobody bothers to discuss it? I can’t be the only one having this issue, can I?
Thanks for you help!

Pop should auto mount it. If it didn’t, you’ll likely need to install the packages needed for that drive’s file system. NTFS.

Open a terminal and run this command.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ntfs-3g fuse

Wow! After I fixed the update thing, I plugged in my external SSD and you’re right! It just opened. I wonder why it didn’t before? Or maybe I just didn’t know what to look for. I’m used the the File Manager in Windows, so I haven’t quite got the hang of it in Linux. But I sure do love Linux! And I’m learning fast.
Thank you for clarifying that. And I made note of the command in case I need it at some point.
When I was lurking and reading about Linux before I got my laptop, I had run across people having issues with files and being able to open them. So in the back of my mind I was thinking this might be an issue. Maybe it was their distro. I dunno.
Anyway, thanks a bunch for responding so quickly and giving me courage to jump on there! It’s much appreciated.

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Hello, I’m in the same situation, Have a System76 Thelio, Popos.

Plug in the remote HD, nothing shows.

ShouId try the - sudo apt update && sudo apt install ntfs-3g fuse