VPS terminal access permissions denied

Vasileios, I wasn’t able to change my cyberpanel password or the ssh port. I now understand that the password change has to be done in a terminal. I’m guessing that means I have to ssh into my server and do it from there; probably the same for the port 22 change. I did run the rm -Rf command and if I remember correctly it either came back with “success” or nothing. Also, Ghostrider does not show up as an FTP user, so I don’t know how to delete him.

OK, I ssh’d into my vps and typed in <sudo cyberpanel -h> and got a lot of help but nothing that says how to change my password. There were entries for changing a database password and an email password. When I tried several of the commands (as sudo) they all came back wanting a function. I’m not sure what that is so I tried to see if I could list ftp accounts. No joy there either. I guess I need a tutorial on working with these things so that I can define an argument or function.

Hey, @Mike19!
I sent you a detailed private message on how you can deal with it. The option is simple, especially since you don’t have anything on your VPS. This can be cleared out very nicely. Also, for the change on the SSH port, all you need to do is watch Workshop 27 on the LMS, where I go through the entire process live. :slight_smile: