No Wireless Connection

Am really, really enjoying all the videos and information that have been provided by Jeff.Pro with the learning management system. After a couple hiccups I am up and running with Ubuntu 22.04. However I have a problem. I cannot get my wireless up and running.

The computer is a Lenovo Thinkpad x131e with an AMD E2-1800 CPU and 4gb of on-board memory. Everything is running except the wireless LAN. The computer indicator shows it to be running but I am not making a connection to my WiFi modem.

Any suggestions on how to get this running would really be appreciated. BTW I have no wired ethernet connection on this computer. Would a USB wireless dongle designed for Linux solve this problem?

A couple of Ubuntu threads for that particular model.

I need to apologize here. I did get your replies and I am sure they will be very helpful. But once I logged into one example I realized that my Terminal or Shell skills are in desperate need of improvement. It is becoming quickly apparent, especially when I review various help files, that Linux is really a text base system. The GUI Desktop environment is laid on top and that is often okay. But the minute something goes wrong you are immediately expected to be able to jump to the Terminal and implement various corrections. This really isn’t a complaint. It is just that I have figured out that I need to learn to use Terminal and the various Linux text commands if I really expect to make full use of this operating system.
So, I am off to see the Terminal Wizard to run the tutorial on the Ubuntu command line. Right now I figured out how to get my laptop running on the internet with the ethernet cable so I’ll survive in the interim. I’ll be back soon and thank you very much for all this information.


Hey, @Pioneer1!
Were you able to go through the process? If not, we can take it from here, step by step.

Thank you, @MrDeplorableUSA for posting this!

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